Testing Your Website for Rich Snippet Ratings

If you are using our review widget on your website in ‘ratings mode’ and want to test that the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ratings are working, here are the steps to follow.

First off, make sure your website page is fast enough and not suffering from slow download times etc. As this could impact on whether Google Rich Snippets will show or not. Something like a 10 second page load time might be an issue.

Google’s indexing is looking to jump-in and jump-out of pages at top speed so having at least an average loading page time is crucial to ensure that Google get to index the snippet code.

Next, make sure you do not have a conflicting Rich Snippet code present on the page already, that is a big no-no and will cause neither one to work.

Once that is done we do not test with the Structured Data Tool as this does not work the same as the real-life indexing that Google does.

Add your page back into Google index manually if you wish via the webmasters tool:



Just allow a week or few days to go by until Google re-indexes your page anyway.

After you are sure it’s been re-indexed then check using Google:


This will show your pages for your site, along with the Google SERP rating.



Customer Review Widget

Testing Your Website for Rich Snippet Ratings

How to add a rating system to your website

Code Snippet

Here is an example snippet for your website. If you don’t have the option to add code to bottom of the page, you can paste both parts one after the other.

Step 1 – The placement

<!– Place where you want testimonials to appear –>
<div id=”trobot”></div>


Step 2 – Choose your preferred widget style

For Standard Testimonials use this code: (no ratings)

<!– Best placed at bottom of page before closing “body” tag –>
<script type=”text/javascript” defer src=”//www.testimonialrobot.com/ver/latest/trobot-js.php?add=true&id=iX56f0TJ&c=222&b=e8e8e8&d=true&t=t”></script>

For Reviews Version starstarstarstarstar use this code: (allows ratings)

<!– Best placed at bottom of page before closing “body” tag –>
<script type=”text/javascript” defer src=”//www.testimonialrobot.com/ver/latest/trobot-js.php?add=true&id=iX56f0TJ&c=222&b=e8e8e8&d=true&t=r”></script>

For Slider/Scrolling Version

With inline form (to disable ratings just change t=r to t=t)

<!– Best placed at bottom of page before closing “body” tag –>
<script type=”text/javascript” defer src=”//www.testimonialrobot.com/ver/latest/trobot-scr-js.php?add=true&id=iX56f0TJ&c=222&b=e8e8e8&d=true&t=r&form=true”></script><script type=”text/javascript” defer src=”//www.testimonialrobot.com/tr-scroller.js”></script>

Like so, for standard testimonials…

<!– Best placed at bottom of page before closing “body” tag –> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”//www.testimonialrobot.com/ver/latest/trobot-js.php?add=true&id=iX56f0TJ&c=222&b=e8e8e8&d=true&t=t”></script>


 And so that’s how to add a rating system to your website – For information on our main site visit WWW.TESTIMONIALROBOT.COM



How to add a rating system to your website