A Tweak A Day Keeps The Queries Away

Some issues just get ignored or fall down the list depending on the priorities you set for your working week.

Getting the basics fixed and working becomes a necessity when users start to complain about an issue you once believed, “no one will notice or care” about.

Constant tweaking on those smaller less critical (but still annoying) UX / UI bugs will help to reduce the overall queries and will help with retention for those customers not willing to complain but who just jump ship anyway.

So try to make a list of the lesser smaller issues and call it your Tweak List. Then tackle one or more of the tweaks each day.

I actually immediately added a new issue spotted by a customer to the Tweak List and went at it right away. Then solved the issue in less than 1 hour. The customer was amazed and gave high praise and is now a avid promoter of our service.

Nice if you can get it!

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A Tweak A Day Keeps The Queries Away