Rich Snippets for Products / SEO

Where can I show Rich Snippets for my products?

Rich snippets will work on all pages except the Home page!

But if you have a product or service page and have some reviews then Rich Snippets is a great selling tool when combined with review ratings to show in your SERP result pages.


How OUR rich snippets show in SERP result pages…


Above you can see the results of our widget in creating the Rich snippet data in real time with the latest indexed copy of your page as stored by Google.

How the process works:

  1. Add our snippet to your product page
  2. Collect reviews with ratings from you customers or ask them to populate the Testimonial Robot widget form
  3. Use the Google Add Url to re-index your page or wait for Google to auto re-index
  4. Test that all is working as should be using in Google

That’s it! But remember to allow Google time to re-index properly. It can take a week or two in some instances.

Now as new customers add new reviews for you, your SERP rating score and votes will increase automatically without having to update your web pages individually.

Super, isn’t it? Plus you don’t need to update your pages each time you have a new batch of reviews :)

Would you like snippets and our review collection widget for your website? Then check out our trial below.

Free 14 day trial

Customer Review Widget

Rich Snippets for Products / SEO