Spring is Coming – Along with many improvements

Here at Testimonial Robot, we have constantly tried to add value and reduce feature creeping that would hamper the overall customer experience. Our tool is meant to be simple and easy to use because we want every kind of person to be able to use it for their customer reviews collection management.

We want Techies and Non-techies to be able to achieve the same results with our customizing features.

Some of the planned additions for the Spring are listed below:

  • Style builder
  • Custom Star images
  • Easier collection of reviewer photos
  • More social media and growth features :)

We want to make Testimonial Robot one of the best growth tools for SMEs that want to help to increase their sales.

Remember ‘Honest’ reviews sell and bring more to the Well!

All the best for now,

Customer Review Widget

The Best Testimonial Reviews Widget for your website




Spring is Coming – Along with many improvements